Ministries >

Vacation Bible School

At CBC, we believe in giving opportunities for all ages to learn, pray, worship and fellowship! Please check out our ministries for you and your family.


Director: Jan Flenner

CBC's annual Vacation Bible School is Monday, July 22nd, through Friday, July 26th, from 9am-noon! All children, ages 4 (by September 1st) through youth entering 6th grade, are invited to register for "Breaker Rock Beach!" 

As the crowds come and go, and the tides ebb and flow, Breaker Rock rises majestically as a symbol of strength, standing form against the force of wind and waves. Join us for a week of Christ-centered fun, food and friendship as we learn about the Rock who provides Truth in a world of shifting sands!  

Theme Verse: Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 (CSB) 


   Drop Off Procedures

Registration and Check-in tables will be set up outside in front of the building. Please find the appropriate tables for your family. If your child is in the same class group as last year and still has their VBS t-shirt, we encourage you to reuse last year's shirt. However, if for any reason you don't have a shirt or your child is going into the next group, please pick up a t-shirt at check-in. Please dress your child in this shirt throughout the week, so they can easily be identified with their group. 

After completing the necessary check-in procedures, the children will enter the building through the main entrance and find their team in the CBC Commons room. They will remain with this group throughout the day’s activities.

You can fill out the registration form at the church, turn it in to the church office or complete it online. We encourage you to fill out the form below and email it to or or bring it with you on the first day of VBS. Every step you complete in advance will speed up the registration process!

  Below is a link to a PDF of the registration form!

(please fill it out completely)

Please return completed forms to or the church office.

VBS Registration Form  




The Closing Ceremony will be held on Friday, July 26th, at 11:45 a.m. Come see your child(ren) perform the songs they learned during the week. All families are invited!
The Family BBQ will follow the closing ceremony on Friday, the 26th, in CBC's North Parking Lot. Join us for food, fellowship and fun! All families are invited!

   Team Spirit

      Our class groupings have a name, mascot, and team color. 

Root for your favorite team!

                  Team Divisions, Colors and Names

                   Pre-K/K Yellow, Goldies (Just Keep Swimming!)

                   1st & 2nd Grades Green, Sea Turtles (Gimme Some Fin, Dude!)

                   3rd & 4th Grades Red, Starfish (Today's the Day!)

                   5th & 6th Grades Blue, Sharks (Fish are Friends, Not Food!)








 We care about your child’s safety.

All VBS staff have been background-checked and trained in child safety. Underage volunteers will work under the supervision of a trained adult. We will have a parking lot crew keeping an eye on vehicles that come and go and direct traffic to maintain safety and flow. We also have a medical team on site each day to assess and appropriately handle any injuries or illnesses that may arise. Rest assured, we are doing all we can to care for your child while they are entrusted to us.

We will be playing outside each day as weather permits, so please dress your child(ren) for summer weather, including sturdy shoes for them to run around in! If you wish your child(ren) to wear sunscreen, please apply it before sending them to VBS.

If your child(ren) requires or may need any medications administered while they are at VBS (including EpiPens or inhalers), please give them to our medical team with any instructions.