Contact: Cindy vom Steeg
At Community Bible Church, we as a church are committed to upholding, strengthening, and equipping the family unit to be His primary platform for training and discipleship (Psalm 145:4). We believe each child to be a precious gift from God (Psalm 127:3), each created for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10), and each with immeasurable value and worth to bring honor and glory to our Lord (Isaiah 43:6-7).
Children's Ministry
Children’s Church: Ages 5 through 5th Grade ~ Children are welcome to continue worshiping with their parents, or they are welcome to explore, study and apply the truths of God’s Word with children their own age! Make fun crafts that complement their time in God’s Word. Children’s church utilizes curriculum produced by Group Publishing, Gospel Light, and Children Desiring God.
Nursery (Supervised): Children ages 0-4 years-old ~ Please drop off your child(ren) downstairs at 9:50am (about 10 minutes before the service) to have them cared for by our dedicated volunteers during the service.
A Note about Children's Church and Nursery: Caregivers are welcome to keep their children with them during the service or to utilize our Children's Ministry options. We have coloring pages and crayons available if you need a quiet activity for your child during the service.
Cry Room (Unsupervised): A fully furnished cry room is available for caregivers to take their little ones during the service.
Vacation Bible School (VBS): Every summer, CBC hosts a VBS for all children in our community. This summer (2024), VBS was July 22-26. Our theme was "Breaker Rock Beach: God's Rock Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands"
Please stay tuned for information on next summer's VBS
MomCo (formerly MOPS): See the Women's Ministry page for more information about this community program for mothers of children ages 0-5.