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Membership Matters

Membership at Community Bible Church

Membership Overview:

Community Bible Church at Sunriver (CBC) believes every Christian is a member of the body of Christ. We believe local church membership is the public acknowledgment of this spiritual reality. The Bible tells us that we are “members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19), and it is our responsibility to each play our role as a member of His body. As each of us plays our part as members, God uses us to build His body through His Spirit. Romans 12:4-5 illustrates this for us, 4For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

We consider all those who call CBC their church home part of our local church family. However, we also have a membership process for those who wish to formally identify themselves with Community Bible Church as devoted participants—those who can be counted on—to build and sustain the ministries of the church body through attendance and service.

In a culture where commitment is not always highly valued, recognizable membership is an important step that moves us out of the realm of good intentions and into an intentional and purposeful community of believers.

Membership FAQ's:

Do I need to become a member to participate in the life and activities of Community Bible Church?

We believe that all professing Christians are a part of the Body of Christ, the universal church. However, we are called to serve Him together through a local assembly of the church in Love and Unity as we enjoy fellowship together. We value each person and know that Church membership is a big step. Therefore, each person needs to be ready and comfortable with that decision.  We strongly encourage acknowledgment of membership by each Christian who regularly assembles and participates in the local church body known as Community Bible Church at Sunriver but will not withhold fellowship and participation with us while you consider membership.

Why become a member of Community Bible Church?

Participating members have the privilege of influencing important decisions and the direction of the church as a whole. Members have the privilege of playing a key role as members of the body of Christ (Romans 12:4-5. We also have certain positions in leadership and on teams that require membership for serving in those positions. Please connect with an elder to understand what those positions are.


Jesus Christ intended for the church to be His hands and feet in this fallen world. As such, we believe that all Christ followers should be committed to a local church to have opportunities to serve their community and the world for their own spiritual growth and encouragement.

Is church membership biblical?

Church Membership is very Biblical. Hebrews 13:7, 17 tell us, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith...Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you." 

This passage tells us two things about church membership.

First, the audience of the book of Hebrews is told to submit to specific leaders. Therefore, disciples of Jesus need to know who their church leaders are and faithfully put themselves under their leadership. That is what church membership does. Membership is a formal commitment of a person to a local church and its leaders.

Second, leaders will be held accountable for shepherding a specific group of people. Membership, not attendance or participation, is the clearest way for leaders to know who they will ultimately be held accountable for shepherding.

We also see various passages throughout the Bible that reveal church membership being biblical. For example, in Acts 6 there was a list of widows. In Acts 2 the community of believers grew and developed after a large group was saved and added to their number (Acts 2:41). Paul wrote to specific churches and Christians by name. How and why would he have done this if they were not members of that church? Each of these passages helps us to see that there was some sort of membership role that was kept in the New Testament church, which is the reason we have formal membership at CBC.

Qualifications of Membership:

  1. Must be a believer in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and as the Son of God.
  2. Must have submitted to a believer's Baptism by Immersion.
  3. Give assurance of a desire to live a consistent Christian life.
  4. Must have discussed in person CBC’s Vision, Mission, Values, Statement of Faith, and Membership Agreement with 2 of our CBC Elders.

Membership Process:

  1. If you are new to our community please follow the Membership Application Instructions found in the Membership Packet (Available at the Connections Center in the CBC Foyer) or fill out the online application below to tell us about yourself and your walk with Christ.  If you have been regularly attending and engaged in the CBC fellowship for more than one year then a written application is not required, with only a verbal request/invite being necessary.
  2. Be interviewed by two church Elders who will discuss CBC’s Vision, Mission, and Values, our Statement of Faith, and our Membership Agreement.
  3. Express verbally to the interviewing elders your understanding and acceptance of CBC’s Vision, Mission, Values, Statement of Faith, and Membership Agreement.
  4. After completion of these steps your name will be presented to the entire CBC Elder Ministry Team for affirmation of your membership at CBC
  5. Following affirmation you will be introduced to the CBC church family at the first available Worship Service as members of the CBC Body of Believers.


If you have any questions about the membership qualifications or the process, call one of the elders or email the office at office@cbcsunriver.org.

Click here to view our Membership Agreement 

Click Here to view CBC's Vision, Mission, and Values

Click Here to view CBC's Statement of Faith 

For more information about CBC's doctrine, please pick up a Membership Packet at the CBC Connection Center or the Church Office.